Tuesday 24 June 2008

Maths test


Penguino pepper said...

I hate Mat sh tests, too.
Our maths teacher is really nice, though.

We had exams in every subject
the-week-before-last-week exept in music, games, P.E, art and D&T. They were very little fun indeed, but maths was O.K, I got 91%.

I think all teachers, well, almost all teachers are evil. They make us work, even with FOUR DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT! (Off to France Thursday, no school Friday) Not only work, but HOMEWORK!

Gah! I hate school :(


Anonymous said...

LMFAOOO!I H8 MATHS TESTS 2!! though i wud get a reli high score in it and find it well 2 easy...(not a yr 8 1 though)that wud get me working a bit harder!also coz its our pioneer week we dnt get a day of skool coz da by-election on thursday!!!:(:(