Monday 23 June 2008

My mum

My mum, the least interesting person on the planet, wait thing on the planet. Honestly I would rather watch paint dry the listen to her talk all day.

Anyway, I think she is going mad. Here are two examples of why,

I was innocently walking over to the window looking out over my garden when something caught my eye. My mum was holding a bag of bread and throwing it to the birds. You might not think this is that bad but you probably don't have a vicious cat who eats anything that moves or 5 cats living next door, one being the alpha male down our road.

And, here is a conversation we had earlier

Mum: I'm just popping down the shops, need any seeds?

Me: Mmm..wait seeds?!?

Mum: Well, I thought you might have a sudden urge to grown some flowers

Me: Of course mum, you can read my mind

Mum: Really, ohmigosh that's amazing

Me: Mum!

Mum: Okay think of something else, I will try and read your mind again

Me: MUM!

Mum: I said think not tell me

Me: MUM!!!!!!

Mum: Yes dear

Me: Firstly mum I don't want any seeds, secondly you can't read my mind and lastly, I was being SARCASTIC! Sar-Cas-Tic!

Mum: Fine

Me: I'm off, see you later

Mum: Make sure your home in time

Me: In time for what?

Mum: Dinner, you can't read my mind then

*I walk out*

As you can see, it's not all that easy living with a woman with jelly or a brain.

Clo :D xxx


Penguino pepper said...

I guess you mean jelly for a brain.

My mum isn't crazy. She's the bestest.

Your mum sounds interesting, I'd like to meet her. I will say :

Hello, how is your piano plane? Mine is spot-diggity-doo-with-a-cherry-on-top. Jelly is an excellent sauce of... um... excellent sauce on sausages... Yeah.

Katie May said...

Yeh I forgot to use spell check again. I am really rather forgetful. It took me about half an ohur just now to remember my password for my blog. Well, I guess thats like :)

Penguino pepper said...

You spelt hour wrong :)